What it achieves and where it may fail will all fall directly at the feet of Jacinda Ardern and her party.
The question now is who will respond to the opportunity and pressure and who will wilt. Because what this line-up reminds us, more perhaps than anything else, is that this is a Labour government. Not Labour-led, not Labour-Greens, but Labour, Labour, Labour.
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Update02 Nov, 2020
What it achieves and where it may fail will all fall directly at the feet of Jacinda Ardern and her party.
The question now is who will respond to the opportunity and pressure and who will wilt. Because what this line-up reminds us, more perhaps than anything else, is that this is a Labour government. Not Labour-led, not Labour-Greens, but Labour, Labour, Labour.
Update31 Oct, 2020
The agreement sets out other specific areas the Labour Government will cooperate on with the Green Party
The Labour Party and the Green Party will have a Cooperation Agreement that will see the Green Party Co-leaders hold ministerial portfolios outside of Cabinet, and areas of cooperation on climate, environment and child and community wellbeing issues.
Update31 Oct, 2020
Subject to the release of the final results on 6 Nov, the incoming govt will respect the result of both referendums.
Assisted dying remains illegal in New Zealand until 6 November 2021.The Act will be administered by the Ministry of Health. The Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill will not be introduced as legislation by the Labour Government this term.
Update26 Oct, 2020
Ardern’s public persona is as cultivated as a carefully-curated Instagram page.
Her image is tightly controlled by a formidable press team led by her chief press secretary Andrew Campbell, with Kelly Spring, a former RNZ journalist, and ex-Stuff business editor Ellen Read. Interviews are not given lightly and journalists often...
Update20 Oct, 2020
Here's what happens if there's a draw
A recount of the electorate vote automatically happens if the official count results in a tie between candidates in an electorate. If the recount results in another tie, the outcome is decided by the Electoral Commission drawing lots. The Electoral...
Update19 Oct, 2020
The Labour party picked up a net of 14 new electorates and an extra four list seats.
In fact, National's share of the party vote fell by 50 percent in 64 electorates and more than halved in nine of them. Five were Māori seats where National rarely registers in the double digits, but the other four were Christchurch East, Manurewa, Rongotai and Wellington Central.