The 2019 Indian general election was held in seven phases from 11 April to 19 May 2019 to constitute the 17th Lok Sabha. The votes were counted and result was declared on 23 May. About 900 million people were eligible to vote and turnout was over 67% – the highest ever as well as the highest participation by women voters.
The Bharatiya Janata Party won 303 seats, further increasing its substantial majority and the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance won 353 seats. The Indian National Congress party won 52 seats, and the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance won 91. Other parties and their alliances won 98 seats. Indian National Congress again failed to secure the requisite 10% of the seats (54 seats) in the Lok Sabha and hence India remains without an official opposition party.
The Bharatiya Janata Party won 303 seats, further increasing its substantial majority and the BJP-led National Democratic Alliancewon 353 seats. The Indian National Congress party won 52 seats, and the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance won 91. Other parties and their alliances won 98 seats.
The BJP's total vote share stood at 37.4%, an increase of over 6 percentage points from 31.34% in 2014. The National Democratic Alliance secured a vote share of 45%, compared to 38% in 2014. In contrast, the vote share of Indian National Congress remained the same at 19.5%.
About 1.04 % of the voters in India chose to vote for None Of The Above (NOTA) in the 2019 elections, with Bihar leading with 2.08 % NOTA voters.